
The Story

The DFWHC Foundation serves as a facilitator for local hospitals to address regional hospital quality and patient safety issues. We seek to identify and share best practices as well as develop initiatives and educational needs to address areas for improvement.

Areas of Focus

Patient Safety and Quality: Monthly committee meetings focused on Patient Safety and Quality issues such are Patient Falls, Hospital Acquired Conditions and infections and trending areas of interest.  Focused on using data to improve the safety of our patients.  Committee membership is closed and determined by recommendation from a system or a hospital.

Regulatory Collaborative Committee: This committee is designed to serve as a catalyst for continual survey readiness for our member hospitals. The committee provides a forum for open discussion on new regulations, current trends on survey findings and best practices to meet the regulatory standards. Membership is open to any member hospital personnel working in Regulatory Compliance.

Sepsis Strike Force Committee: This committee is made up of subject matter experts in Sepsis diagnosis, treatment, coding and data abstraction. The committee’s goals are to bring additional awareness of early detection, treatment and coding of Sepsis Patients. Trainings are offered throughout the year on various topics related to Sepsis and contact hours for Nursing Education are offered. Membership is open to any member hospital personnel working on Sepsis.

C-Diff: Working with hospitals, physician offices and post-acute care facilities to decrease hospital acquired C-Diff.  Brochures are available free of charge to educate the community.

Opioid Epidemic Awareness: A series of Opioid webinars are taking place to educate the healthcare teams on various topics such as Relapse Prevention, the history of Opioids, In-Patient Buprenorphine treatment and many other topics.

Workplace Violence Committee: This committee is made up of multidisciplinary team members from North Texas Hospitals to collectively define healthcare workplace violence, educate the public about healthcare workplace violence and improve data collection and reporting of healthcare workplace violence incidents. Anyone can join the workplace violence committee who works in a North Texas Hospital.

Health Literacy: This committee is made up of health literacy experts from North Texas Hospitals and Universities with a mission to make healthcare information understandable to the communities and patients we serve. An extensive Health Literacy tool kit is available on our webpage. Committee members volunteer to review literature and websites that are public facing to ensure health literacy simple language is use. Anyone with an interest in health literacy can join this committee.

Best Practice Resources

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