Texas study detailing violence against nurses released this week

The Texas Center for Nursing Workforce Studies (TCNWS) this week released the results of a survey detailing violence against nurses in the workplace. Titled “2018 Workplace Violence Against Nurses – Facility Survey,” the report included information from state hospitals, long-term care facilities, home health agencies and freestanding emergency medical centers.

“The purpose of the survey was to assess practices and strategies used by employers to prevent workplace violence against nurses,” said Sally Williams, the workforce center director at the DFW Hospital Council Foundation and member of the advisory committee at TCNWS. “We hope the information will serve as a guide for policy recommendations that shape legislation geared toward preventing workplace violence against nurses in Texas.”

In addition to the survey, the TCNWS is working on the Workplace Violence Grant Program. A new round of funding is expected to be launched with proposals due Sept. 23, 2019.

Under the governance of the Statewide Health Coordinating Council, the TCNWS serves as a resource for data and research on the state’s nursing workforce. This includes collecting and analyzing data on Texas nurses detailing trends in education, employment, supply and demand. Nursing workforce demographics are also studied.

You can download the report here.

For information, please contact Sally at workforce@dfwhcfoundation.org or call 972-719-4900.