Registration deadline for virtual Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt classes in one week!

Deadline to register for the DFW Hospital Council (DFWHC) and 6SigmaTek, LLC virtual Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Training classes is in one week, on Friday, August 27.

The virtual Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certification classes will be aimed at those new to the world of Six Sigma with an interest in developing skills involving teamwork, data analysis and problem solving. The certification course adopts the approach of advancing the concept and potential of using Six Sigma tools and methodologies within an organization. Gather data, seek improvement in your hospital and follow the principles of “Plan, Do, Check and Act.”

An introductory webinar was originally broadcast on July 22 and can be viewed online. The event detailed the virtual Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Classes that will be available to hospital and company employees in 2021.

Guest speakers included Stephen Griffin, CEO/Founder of 6SigmaTek, LLC; Stephen Love, President/CEO of DFWHC; and Patti Taylor, Director of Quality and Patient Safety at the DFWHC Foundation.

You can view the webinar here.

To register for the classes, click here.

For information, please contact Chris Wilson at or 972-719-4900.