What does the regional FSRDC mean to you?
Blog by Kristin Jenkins, President of the DFWHC Foundation
In April, a Federal Reserve Bank-led coalition of universities and the DFW Hospital Council (DFWHC) Foundation were awarded the designation as a Federal Statistical Research Data Center (FSRDC) by the National Science Foundation. Why does it matter to our healthcare systems and partners?
The designation allows healthcare systems in North Texas participating in the DFWHC Foundation Information and Quality Services Center to utilize federal government information in ways never before accessible.
This is a great opportunity to advance knowledge, improve data quality and inform policies for social determinants of health. Cutting-edge research information afforded by the center will raise the profile of participating institutions across the country.
The new FSRDC will be located within the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank and is administered by the Census Bureau’s Center for Economic Studies. Wenhua Di, senior research economist at the Dallas Federal Reserve, will serve as executive director. The center is currently under construction with work to begin in 2018.
If you are interested in using the services of the FSRDC, please contact me at kjenkins@dfwhcfoundation.org or you can also speak with Dr. Sushma Sharma at ssharma@dfwhcfoundation.org. We can provide you with the specifics of submitting inquiries and the approval process.
You can check out the official news release here.