Poster abstracts due tomorrow for IQSC Data Summit!
The deadline is upon us! The DFW Hospital Council (DFWHC) Foundation is seeking poster presentations for its Third Annual IQSC Data & Analytics Summit on November 15 at Brookhaven College.
The deadline for poster abstracts is tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. Authors will be notified of acceptance next week. An electronic file of the final poster is due by November 1.
You can submit your abstracts here.
This year’s Data Summit is themed “Data Driven Decisions,” with the hospital abstracts to be on display throughout the day.
The overall agenda for the all-day seminar is still being determined, but speakers will include:
• Katherine Rowell, co-founder and principal of HealthDataViz, discussing “The Importance of Risk-Adjustment for Measuring & Reporting Healthcare Outcomes,”
• Nora Belcher, executive director of the Texas e-Health Alliance, detailing “Texas Legislative Update 2019.”
Abstract themes should be related to:
• Healthcare data and AI;
• Actionable data through visualization;
• Hospital performance analytics;
• Physician performance analytics;
• Emerging technologies.
With apologies, vendors are not allowed to submit abstracts, but are welcome to sponsor this growing event.
The DFWHC Foundation’s IQSC Data Summit recognizes the great work North Texas hospitals are doing in data analytics to improve patient care and quality. The poster presentations will provide opportunities to share ideas and collaborate throughout the day during the event.
Event sponsorships are available here.
To attend, you can register here.
For information, please contact Theresa Mendoza at