Local panelists discuss Better Skills Better Jobs Grant

Trish Jackson (l to r), Kay Kirby and Gerard Camacho.
The DFW Hospital Council (DFWHC) Foundation and the United Way of Metropolitan Dallas hosted area hospital employers and a panel of experts to discuss the Better Skills Better Jobs Grant yesterday at the Catholic Charities of Dallas.
Panelists included Trish Jackson of UT Southwestern University Hospitals, Kay Kirby of Methodist Health System and Gerard Camacho of Parkland Health & Hospital System. Andrea Glispie of the United Way Pathways to Work program served as moderator. The panel discussion was an opportunity for the United Way of Metropolitan Dallas – DFW Workforce Benchmarking Collaborative to detail the upcoming program.
Panelists discussed the patient care technician job efforts with United Way Dallas and the National Fund for Workforce Solutions. Each of the hospitals represented are receiving grant funds to provide patient care technician mentoring, support and opportunities for advancement.
“This grant is the first step towards creating opportunities for high-quality jobs to residents in North Texas,” said Sally Williams, director of the DFWHC Foundation Workforce Center. “There is a workforce shortage for hospitals across the U.S. Hospitals participating in this grant are attempting to recruit from a large pool of residents to provide education and development.”
Hospital positions to be promoted include registered nurses, surgical technicians, respiratory therapists, pharmacy technicians and radiologic technologists.
For information, please contact Sally at workforce@dfwhcfoundation.org or 972-719-4900.