“Human Side of Health Care” details Coronavirus and elderly with guests from Parkland, Medical City

Episode seven of the DFW Hospital Council’s weekly radio program “The Human Side of Health Care” was broadcast yesterday on KRLD 1080 AM. Guest stars included:

Dr. Trish Perl, Chief, Division of Infectious Disease at UT Southwestern and Parkland Health & Hospital System;
• and Dr. Charles Herlihy, Medical Director of the Geriatric Behavioral Unit at Medical City North Hills.

Hosted by DFWHC President/CEO Stephen Love and KRLD’s Thomas Miller, the radio program will run throughout 2020 on Sunday’s from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. CST.

You can listen to the broadcast here.

For information or program ideas, you can contact radio@dfwhc.org.

You can listen to past broadcasts on: