In the DFW Hospital Council (DFWHC) Foundation study “Disparities Associated with Sexual Assaults and Abuses Identified by Hospitals in North Texas and Dallas County in 2010-2012” released this week, North Texas statistics involving sexual assault and abuse have been revealed for one of the first times in the region. The goal of the study was […]
Posts Tagged ‘Dallas County Sexual Assault Coalition’
“Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” event cancelled
The 2016 “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” event set for April 9 has been cancelled. The Dallas County Sexual Assault Coalition (DCSAC) fundraiser may be scheduled for a later date. DCSAC has played a vital role in bringing awareness of sexual violence and support to sexual assault survivors throughout Dallas County. The coalition will […]
“Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” set for April 9
The Fourth Annual “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” fundraising event is set for April 9 at the Continental Pedestrian Bridge, 109 Continental Avenue in Dallas. The event begins at 9:00 a.m. and benefits the Dallas County Sexual Assault Coalition (DCSAC). The mission of the walk is to engage men in being part of the […]