Posts Tagged ‘CMS’

Patient Safety Dashboard now available

Thanks to the knowledge gained from our work on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Hospital Engagement Network (HEN), we have developed a dashboard for all of the Dallas-Fort Worth Hospital Council Foundation’s participating facilities. This dashboard is displaying measures based on data already collected through the Claims Data Warehouse. Users can now […]

Why are we still talking about washing hands?

I recently attended a conference of primarily healthcare workers at a conference center. In the bathroom, I observed many washing their hands appropriately after using the bathroom, but I also observed too many “blessing” their hands. By blessing, I mean turning on the water, getting the finger tips damp, turning off the water and leaving-touching […]

CMS Grant

Care transition to prevent readmissions has become a hot topic for hospitals. Recently, I met with some hospital people to discuss a CMS grant for Tarrant County and there were people from Dallas and Cleburne! I was very surprised by the enthusiasm of the entire group. Quality of care is a fundamental concern for all […]