Registration to Patient Safety Summit closes Aug. 1

Just a few days left to register for the DFW Hospital Council Foundation’s 10th Annual Patient Safety Summit on August 9-10 at the Marriott Las Colinas in Irving. Registration will close on Tuesday, August 1.

This year’s Summit is being held in coordination with the Texas Department of State Health Services’ 2017 TDSHS Healthcare Safety Conference.

Titled “Stand Up for Safety!,” the event will be highlighted by Dr. Abdusalam Nasidi, director of the Nigeria Center for Disease Control, discussing “Ebola: The impact from international and local perspectives” on August 9. Britt Berrett, author of “Patients Come Second,” will serve as the keynote speaker on August 10.

The event is from 12:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., followed by a reception from 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. on August 9; and 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on August 10.

You can see the full agenda here.

For accreditation information, click here.

You can register here.

TDSHS is offering Expense Reimbursement (registration, travel, lodging) for this event. Eligibility and instructions can be found on the registration site.

Block rooms available at the Marriott Las Colinas and Holiday Inn Express Suites. Please see registration site for details.

For additional information, please contact Patti Taylor at or 469-648-5023.