Inaugural Sepsis Challenge attracts 60-plus over the weekend
The inaugural Dallas Fort Worth Sepsis Challenge, a community 5K run and walk, attracted 60-plus over the weekend on September 1 at Trinity Park in Fort Worth. The DFW Hospital Council (DFWHC) Foundation served as an event sponsor.
Hosted by the Sepsis Alliance, the event officially kicked off Sepsis Awareness Month throughout September to raise awareness of sepsis as a medical emergency and to raise funds for the Sepsis Alliance.
“What a great day,” said Patti Taylor, the director of quality and patient safety at the DFWHC Foundation. “This was an important start to an event we hope to support annually while raising awareness about this crucial patient safety issue.”
Sepsis is the body’s life-threatening response to infection that can lead to tissue damage, organ failure and even death. In 2014, sepsis was named as the most expensive in-patient cost in American hospitals.
The DFWHC Foundation has been involved in multiple projects over the past three years to educate North Texas hospital employees on the issue.
For additional information, please contact Patti at