Foundation in New Mexico to address “Border Readmission”
The DFW Hospital Council (DFWHC) Foundation in association with the Texas Hospital Association, the New Mexico Hospital Association and the Hospital Improvement Innovation Network (HIIN) is hosting a “Border Readmission Symposium” in Las Cruces, New Mexico today. The event, sponsored by HIIN, has attracted more than 65 attendees.
The purpose of the symposium is to examine the unique challenges for hospitals on the U.S. and Mexico border when facing 30-day hospital readmissions of patients.
Patti Taylor, the DFWHC Foundation’s director of quality and patient safety, provided a presentation today detailing the success of the Community Health Paramedic Program in North Texas.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services awarded the Health Research & Educational Trust (HRET) a two-year HIIN contract to continue efforts to reduce inpatient harm by 20 percent and readmissions by 12 percent by 2019.
The HRET HIIN is the largest and most diverse HIIN with over 1,600 participating hospitals and 32 state hospital associations. The DFWHC Foundation is one of the association participants.
For information, please contact Patti Taylor at