Foundation can now provide your Rx for HIPAA compliance and cybersecurity

HIPAA regulations changed substantially after the passage of the 2013 Omnibus Rule to protect ePHI – patient information in electronic form. HIPAA compliance provides a solid cybersecurity foundation, but most physician offices are, on average, only 14-15% compliant with the new regulations!

The DFW Hospital Council Foundation has now partnered with Third Rock to provide a complete, easy, affordable HIPAA solutions. The streamlined process and easy-to-use software will save Practice Managers and Compliance Officers precious time and decrease the risk of both cybertheft and  Office of Civil Rights (OCR) fines.

Think you’re 100% compliant?
Download the checklist below to assess your current HIPAA compliance. If you are not in full compliance, contact Jordania Lilly at for a referral to Third Rock to get your Rx for HIPAA compliance and cybersecurity.