DFWHC Foundation’s new Sepsis Abstractor Committee looking for additional members

The DFW Hospital Council (DFWHC) Foundation announced in August the creation of a new Sepsis Abstractor Committee. Representatives from all hospitals and hospital systems in North Texas are welcome.

This new committee will have quarterly meetings to discuss new guidelines and share best practices for sepsis abstractions of charts.

A Sepsis Abstractor is a healthcare professional who performs clinical auditing and data abstraction of patient records to collect and submit accurate and timely data to a registry or measure data repository.

The target audience would be those working in a hospital who abstract Sepsis charts for Sep 1 core measures. The DFWHC Foundation is looking for members to participate in this new committee. So, let’s make a difference!

For information, please contact Patti Taylor, the DFWHC Foundation’s director of quality and patient safety, at ptaylor@dfwhcfoundation.org.