DFWHC Foundation supports Prematurity Awareness Month

The March of Dimes is reaching out to hospitals for an opportunity to obtain a banner for prematurity month. This is a great way to highlight the excellent work of North Texas hospitals in preventing premature elective births through the 39-week March of Dimes program.

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The Early Elective Delivery issue is a metric monitored through the Hospital Engagement Network (HEN) project for local participating hospitals. The Dallas-Fort Worth Hospital Council (DFWHC) Foundation is operating the North Texas HEN while Steve Love, president/CEO of DFWHC, is serving as chair of the 2014 March for Babies walks.

November is Prematurity Awareness Month® when the March of Dimes focuses the nation’s attention on premature birth. The awareness month kicks off Nov. 1 with the release of the Premature Birth Report Card. November 17 marks World Prematurity Day, and the March of Dimes and partners worldwide are asking everyone to help spread the world on this serious problem.

For information on how to participate, please contact Kristin Jenkins, president of the DFWHC Foundation, at kjenkins@dfwhcfoundation.org.